Dota 2

Every day, millions of players worldwide enter the battle as one of over a hundred Dota Heroes in a 5v5 team clash. Dota is the deepest multi-player action RTS game ever made and there’s always a new strategy or tactic to discover. It’s completely free to play and always will be – start defending your ancient now.

From magical tacticians to fierce brutes and cunning rogues, Dota 2’s hero pool is massive and limitlessly diverse. Unleash incredible abilities and devastating ultimates on your way to victory.

When not climbing the ranks, you’ll be able to learn from the best. The Dota Pro Circuit features ultra-high-level Dota 2 competition streaming regularly in the game client, on Twitch and Steam.TV. Culminating in the largest e-sports championship in the world, The International, professional Dota 2 is an event not to be missed.

Dota 2 on Valve Corporationin kehittämä ja julkaisema strategiapeli Microsoft Windowsille, OS X:lle ja Linuxille. Peli on itsenäinen jatko-osa Defense of the Ancientsille, joka on yhteisövoimin kehitetty Warcraft 3 -pelin modi.

Dota 2:n julkaisija on pelitalo Valve, joka tunnetaan muun muassa Half Life- ja Counter-Strike -pelisarjoista. Dota luokitellaan usein MOBA-kategoriaan, mikä on lyhenne sanoista multiplayer online battle arena [taisteluareenamoninpeli].

Dota 2:n avoin beta-testaus alkoi vuonna 2011 ja loppui heinäkuussa 2013, jolloin peli julkaistiin virallisesti. Peli on tällä hetkellä yksi maailman suosituimmista peleistä, jolta löytyy miljoonia pelaajia päivittäin.

Dota 2 on pelattavissa ilmaiseksi PC:llä ja Macilla. Pelin voi ladata ilmaiseksi Steam-sovelluksella, jonka pelaamiseen tarvitsee.

– Päivittäin miljoonat pelaajat kautta maailman astuvat taistelukentälle yhtenä yli sadasta Dota-sankarista. Ja olipa kyseessä sitten heidän kymmenes tai kymmenestuhannes pelinsä, sieltä löytyy aina jotain uutta, kuvaillaan Dotaa pelin omilla kotisivuilla.

Vaikka peli on ilmainen, löytyy siitä mikromaksuja. Ostettavat tuotteet ovat joko lisäosia tai kosmeettisia ulkoasuja, joten mikromaksuilla ei saa konkreettisesti mitään hyötyä muihin pelaajiin.

Dota 2 News

  • The International playoffs have started and the meta is slowly solidifying. There are definitely some ideas that are slowly being discarded, while other heroes are only gaining in popularity. Today we want to have a look at the outliers — the heroes who are both popular and either very successful or seemingly weak.
  • The Group Stage schedule has finally been released. The sixteen participating teams are sorted into four groups, four teams each. There are no eliminations in the Group Stage of TI this year, so everyone will have a chance to show themselves during the playoffs and considering the level of the competition this year it is […]
  • The long-awaited Ringmaster is finally in the game and it looks like the hero is not just viable, but is extremely powerful. That said, his winrate starts being an outlier only in higher level games, so it seems that tapping into his full potential isn’t necessarily trivial. Today we are going to look over why […]
  • 7.37b did little to the overall idea of the current meta. We are still playing in an extremely tanky patch with a lot of healing and sustain. Dota being Dota, though, there are always ways to adapt and overcome. Sometimes they aren’t obvious, or they can be hard to pull off, but when played correctly […]
  • As expected, the latest patch was very focused on refining the new facet mechanics. It also improved the overall balance of the game, with many heroes from our wishlist getting some very well deserved buffs. These seemingly small changes had a profound effect on the overall meta and today we would like to highlight the […]
  • Facets introduced a lot of balance chaos to the game. There are many heroes who can perform great with one facet and be completely unviable with another. However, there are also heroes who are simply too weak in the current meta, regardless of what facet they choose. These heroes desperately need a buff and today […]
  • Discussing the professional meta seems redundant — hopefully there is a minor, post-tournament patch to deal with some of the more problematic heroes. Instead, we would like to highlight a couple of our small grievances with the current balance of the game and start a discussion about what we would like to see changed.
  • There are bad, statistically game-losing Facets and there are “bad” hero facets. The ones that receive mockery, while technically being decent in some scenarios. Today we are going to go over facets that we feel get underserved hate and analyse how and when they can be the better option.
  • The facet mechanic is very interesting, but it is going to take a while before it matures into what we feel Valve envisioned. Currently, many heroes have a “weak” and a “strong” facet, as opposed to having two distinct situational options. Today we are going to look into some of the most egregious examples of […]
  • We didn’t have to wait long for a new Dota patch right after TI qualifiers. There were definitely some balance issues in the game and from the looks of it, most of them were addressed. We are going to highlight some of the biggest patch changes and try to guess what it means for the […]

Dota 2 ranking